Platform Support

Pushed currently supports sending push notifications to the following platforms: iOs, Android, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Google Play App Store

Web Push

Web push notifications are messages that come from a website. You get them on your desktop or device even when Pushed is not open in your browser.

Pushed currently supports Chrome, Safari and Firefox web push notifications.

Safari 7.0.3 (With a market share of 5-7%) was the first to provide support for web push. It was followed by Chrome 42 (market share 40-50% and growing) that provided support for both desktop and android. Mozilla Firefox (market share 16-20%) launched support for web push in January 26, 2016 starting with v44.

Setting Up Web Push

Steps for registering your browser and receive Push Notifications are pretty easy.

1.- Open your Pushed Account and click on the screen icon near your user and click on Register Current Browser:


2.- The browser will ask for permission (depending on the browser the prompt will look different):







If you want to stop receiving notification you can go to your account timeline and unlink the desired device.